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How to Clean Your Ears at Home

Why do you need to clean ears regularly?

Basically to remove excessive earwax and the dirt that accumulated in it. Ear wax is the yellowish glands secretion in our external ear. Depending on the race, diet and environment the ear wax (cerumen) can range from very soft, flaky to hard.

Ideally a well-balanced diet, chewing it well and plenty of exercise expels excessive ear wax and dirt buildup naturally. However most of us don't keep up such a lifestyle due to our busy jobs and changing metabolism.

As we get older there is also the unsightly hair we tend to grow. The shaver in the Myearpick tool set is perfect for trimming ear hair.

To keep your ears clean and healthy, experience the pleasure of having your ears cleaned the Asian way >

Remove Earwax at Home


  • Whatever method you use, make sure you perform the ear cleaning in a peaceful, quiet environment. No infant or pet around.
  • Use earwax softeners to flush out debris
  • or use Asian Ear Cleaning Tools when you feel the urge.


  • Stay away from cotton swabs. Don't insert them into your ear canal because that swab pushes dead skin, earwax, hair and dirt, use after use, deep into your ear where it impacts on your eardrum.

Contact your physician or otolaryngologist if you have a health issue.

Avoid Ear Wax Impaction

Same as cotton swabs, small items, like bobby pins, napkin corners or your fingers, may push the wax deep into the ear canal. Once ear wax builds up, it can become impacted.

If a blockage develops, you should go to a doctor and treat it in time.

Symptoms of earwax blockage include:

  • Ringing and aching in the ear
  • Impaired hearing
  • Feelings of fullness in the ear
  • Fluid drainage

If you often use headphones or hearing aids, you might be more likely to develop an impaction. Also important is to keep those devices clean.

Protect your ears

Beyond ear cleaning, here are a few tips to protect your ears and ensure good hearing for years to come:

  • Dry out ears after swimming or showering to prevent swimmer’s ear (Otitis externa). Wipe the outside of your ear with a soft cloth, and tilt your head to help remove any additional water.
  • Limit exposure to over loud noises, or wear protective headgear or earplugs.
  • Take periodic breaks from your headphones.

Here is a comprehensive guide to take better care of your ears, thus your body, that I put together recently, with a practical comparison of all the ear cleaning home remedies. Hope you find it useful.

Jin holding ear cleaning tools
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